Read it in Italian! Antonio Martino was born in Savona on June 13, 1957. His family was originally from Stella, a comune of the Province of Savona. He gained the diploma of "perito industriale elettronico" (lit. electronic industrial expert) at the technical school "Galileo Ferraris" of Savona. In 1978 he attended the officer training in Cecchignola, a zone of Rome, and he served as Second Lieutenant in the "Arma delle trasmissioni", the Italian Signal Corps. After several calls he currently holds the rank of captain. He's married to Mariangela and he has two sons. He's working for more than thirty years in a systems company for the Defense in Genoa. He has always been genealogist researcher for pleasure. In the last ten years he has dealt with local history focusing on the period running from the second half of the 18th century to post-World War II era, conducting research in the state, municipal and ecclesiastical archives.
He began to publish his research in July 2003 with Vanoli. Famiglia originaria di Indemini: ramo di Stella (SV) (lit. Vanoli. Family from Indemini: branch of Stella (SV)) for the Magazzeno Storico Verbanese, but the turning point was the collaboration with Riccardo Musso for the book Storia di Stella (lit. History of Stella), for which he realized the accurate appendix containing the essay Il "Liber criminalium": cronache di Stella del '700 (lit. The "Liber criminalium": chronicles of Stella of the 18th century). In 2006 he began to collaborate with the Società Savonese di Storia Patria writing several essays for the series Atti e Memorie. He also became adviser of the society. The conference about the illegal expatriatione of Pertini (2007) In 2007 he began to write for Quaderni Savonesi, the editorial series of the Istituto Storico per la Resistenza e l'Età Contemporanea (ISREC) of the Province of Savona, continuing to collaborate with the Società Savonese di Storia Patria. An important milestone of his career is the republication of the first from his essays written for Atti e Memorie, titled I soldati dell'esercito napoleonico del Dipartimento di Montenotte caduti e prigionieri durante la campagna di Spagna e Portogallo (1808-1813) (lit. Dead and wounded soldiers of the Napoleonic Army of the Montenotte Département during the Peninsular War), in the book Ancora sugli italiani in Spagna durante la Guerra de la Independencia (lit. Still about Italians in Spain during the Guerra de la Independencia) by Vittorio Scotti Douglas.
The first book entirely written by Martino was Savona e provincia nel Dopoguerra (lit. Savona and province during the post-war era), financed by Fondazione A. De Mari and published by the cultural association Grifl in December 2008. The conference '25 luglio - 8 settembre: il tempo delle scelte' (2009) The following year, in the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the fall of the Spanish Republic, he presented Antifascisti savonesi e guerra di Spagna (lit. Antifascists from Savona and Spanish civil war), book published by ISREC. On June 10, 2009 he took part in the conference 25 Luglio - 8 Settembre 1943: Il tempo delle scelte (lit. July 25 - September 8, 1943: The time of the choices).
Subsequently, the historian decided to self-publish his works and he printed seven books thanks to a service provided by Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso. On April 29, 2010 his book Andrea Aglietto co-written with Giuseppe Milazzo and Pino Cava was presented. On May 11, 2010 Martino made a conference titled L'eccidio di Cadibona - Un'analisi storica (lit. The Cadibona massacre: A historical analysis) at the high school S.G. Calasanzio of Carcare. On May 28 he made another conference in the state archive of Savona, titled Le carte di polizia di epoca fascista a Savona (lit. Police papers of the fascist era in Savona). In 2011 he begun to write on the biannual magazine Storia e Memoria (lit. History and Memory) published by Istituto ligure per la storia della Resistenza e dell'età contemporanea (ILSREC). On January 2013 his self-financed book I soldati del Dipartimento di Montenotte (1805-1814) (lit. The soldiers of the Montenotte Département) was issued, thanks to the American publishing company Lulu.
In the future he will write an essay about the allied missions in the western Liguria from 1944 to 1945.